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TO SPONSOR ME in my month-long fundraising challenge please click on the logo above to download a pledge form.

The Next "Step"

Here's How You Can Help.....


You now know about me; my passion for fur-kids and my month-long fundraising challenge.  It is important to me to raise awareness of the organizations and their staff who work tirelessly to aid and assist abandoned and abused animals.    


But, along with animal rescue is a financial burden that comes with the medical care and rehabilitation that is required for many of these unfortunate fur-kids.


I have pledged this year to donate .50 cents for every kilometer I walk during the month of September to local pet rescue.  I invite you to support me in my challenge by either sponsoring me by pledging cents/per kilometer or in a lump sum.  To go one step further, I have attached a pledge form (click on the logo to the left) and you can help to make an even bigger impact by having your friends and family lend their sponsorship support too!  Or, if you so choose, you may designate that your donation go to an animal rescue organization of your choice.


But for the month of September and always, please:


Stroll In The Park For Kids Who Bark




This is your opportunity to join in the fun and festivities of the 2nd Annual  Stroll-along-Sunday. Here's how it will work:


Date:               Sunday, September 29, 2019

Time:               1:00 p.m.

Where:            Springbank Park, London ON | Picnic Area "L" 

Registration: or Tel/Text:  519-694-3420


Those who pre-register BEFORE September 22nd and raise a minimum of $25.00 in pledges will receive a special SITPFKWB gift.  There will also be a prize for the stroller who collects the most donations.  Refreshments will be provided for all who join us.  All donations of more than $20.00 may receive a tax receipt by providing full name & address.


Check back often for more details!

Logging Kilometers

As an avid walker, I generally log somewhere around 150 kilometers in a month.  With such a beautiful public park such as Springbank to enjoy a crisp Fall stroll, I look forward to getting out getting some exercise and fresh air.


When I decided to do the Stroll In the Park For Kids Who Bark  in 2013, I really hadn't set out a goal.  As it turned out, I was able to log 241 kilometers.  Each year, I challenge myself to better the previous year.  With the support of my family and friends, I look forward to raising even more money than ever!

Springbank Park, London & Pinafore Park, St. Thomas

In an effort to preserve the wonderful legacy of our beloved Springbank Park (and other London parks) the Adopt-a-Park program lets community residents volunteer their time and and effort to help maintain the beauty.  (Click the photo for a link for further information).

Pinafore Park Sign.jpg

Pinafore Park plays host to countless events and festivals in all seasons of the year.  (For more info click to photo for a link to the park's official website.)


Tips for Safe Walking

Get The Most Out of Your Stroll

Walking Warm-Ups


The higher intensity the exercise you intend to do, the more you benefit from warm-up exercises. But even a relaxing stroll is likely to feel better after two to four minutes of gentle, dynamic warm-up moves. Keep in mind that gradually increasing blood flow and slowly increasing your muscle and joint temperature can improve your comfort and performance, and reduce the risk of injury during any exercise. You’ll feel better, and walk better.



Here are six simple moves recommended before any brisk walk, as they target some muscles that do lots of the work in walking. All are done standing up, and the movements are slow, controlled, and comfortable. If you spend 30 seconds on each the whole routine takes about three minutes. (Rest one hand on something for balance when needed.)


1. Ankle Circles. Stand on one foot and lift the other off the ground. Slowly flex that ankle through its full range of motion, making large circles with the toes, but only by moving the ankle joint, not the lower leg. Do 6 to 8 in each direction, then switch feet and repeat.


2. Leg Swings. Stand on one leg, and swing the other loosely from the hip, front to back. It should be a relaxed, unforced motion like the swinging of a pendulum, and your foot should swing no higher than a foot or so off the ground. Do 15 to 20 swings on each leg.


3. Pelvic Loops. Put your hands on your hips with your knees “soft” (slightly bent) and feet shoulder width apart. Keep your body upright and make 10 slow continuous circles with your hips, pushing them gently forward, to the left, back and to the right. Then reverse directions and repeat.


4. Arm Circles. Hold both arms straight out to the sides, making yourself a letter “T.” Make 10 to 12 slow backward circles with your hands, starting small and finishing with large circles, using your entire arm. Shake your arms out, then repeat with 10 to 12 forward circles again starting small and getting larger.


5. Hula-Hoop Jumps. Begin jumping in place on both feet. Keep your head and shoulders facing forward, and twist your feet and lower body left then right, back and forth, on successive jumps. Jump 15 to 20 times, facing forward but twisting the hips and legs left and right on alternate jumps.


6. Up, Side, Back, Downs. Ideal if you have shin soreness while walking. Stand with feet hip width apart and roll your feet through four positions, holding each for a two-count.• Up. Stand on your toes, heels as high as possible.• Side. Roll to the outside edges of your feet, with the inside edges pulled up.• Back. Stand on your heels, with your toes held as high as possible.• Down. Rest, with both feet flat on the floor.


Be sure to dress comfortably and in layers so that as you heat up you can remove a layer at a time.  And, if you take your fur-kids with you be sure you walk a distance that is comfortable to them and have water with you so you can both stay hydrated!


Happy Trails!!


For the month of September and always, please,


Stroll In The Park For Kids Who Bark!!!

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